I'm using #Fiberuary as an opportunity to complete some mending projects that have been on my to-do list for ages. First up: I made this Kindle cover 10+ years ago, from bits of an old sweater. I originally sewed the buttons in not quite the right spot, so over time the fabric near the buttonholes was stressed and a large rip formed. Today, I sewed up the rip with some colorful yarn and moved the buttons to the proper place. Bonus: the contrasting yarn makes it look like a face now
@jupitersigh@toot.community thanks!
Relatedly— I stopped by the library today and on a whim checked out Bernadette Banner's book, "Make, Sew and Mend". It has info on a lot of hand sewing skills I'd like to practice like hemming, adding pockets, various types of stitches, etc. so I think I'll be referring to it quite a bit as I try to work through some of my mending pile!
@emma I love it's little mended face! That's a mood right there.