I've been doing mending all month for so for the mending-focused week I thought I'd show off my biggest mending WIP. This jacket has sustained several large rips over the years; I am repairing them one by one, using materials from my stash. I find it very interesting to work on for the same reason I like making collage poems: it's an exercise in combining disparate parts under a set of constraints to create something beautiful.

Another item completed from my mending/repair list: I've had these headphones for years and the original ear pads were disintegrating. I knit a couple of small flat circles that I've been using as replacement ear pads, but they weren't attached in any way so they just had to be held on by the pressure of the headphones. Now I've added some little straps so that the ear pads can stay attached to the headphones even when I take them off. They're kind of wonky and messy because I improvised them, but they serve the purpose just fine! I am choosing to interpret the gaps where the headphones slide into the straps as "deliberate holes" for this week's prompt :)

This dress has been on my to-mend list for a LONG time. It's older than I am (a hand-me-down from my mom) and has gotten a lot of wear over the years because it's an excellent dress (very comfy, great pockets).

The shoulder was very badly in need of repairs, so I patched it with some textured fabric from an old skirt (plus some plain cotton for the inside layer).

I'm using as an opportunity to complete some mending projects that have been on my to-do list for ages. First up: I made this Kindle cover 10+ years ago, from bits of an old sweater. I originally sewed the buttons in not quite the right spot, so over time the fabric near the buttonholes was stressed and a large rip formed. Today, I sewed up the rip with some colorful yarn and moved the buttons to the proper place. Bonus: the contrasting yarn makes it look like a face now 🙂